12-Step Survival Guide


Battling Addiction And Ornery Old-Timers In Alcoholics Anonymous

Author: John Barleykorn

Addiction is the enemy.
Addiction is an opponent, a powerful one, but one that can readily be defeated. For almost 85 years, all over the world, people have been smashing and crushing their addictions through power obtained in a 12-Step program. Alcoholics and/or family members will learn about addiction and what it takes to defeat it.

The rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous can be confusing.
See how a new member navigates meetings, finds a sponsor, and faces down grumpy old-timers and AA Nazis.   It is not always easy to stand steadfast and find your way.   A little knowledge can make a huge difference.

  • How to get started.   Conquering fear.
  • Attending meetings and how to “share.”
  • Things to avoid saying.
  • Joining a group and how to get active and situated
  • What to look for in a sponsor, and simple clever techniques for asking
  • Clarification of the 12 Steps, and rationale behind the 12- Step model.
  • Standing steadfast among difficult AA personalities.
  • How your own thoughts can defeat you, and why comfort is your enemy.
  • Unearthing a Power that will crush your addiction.

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