Still Standing


Addicts Talk about Living Sober

Author: Bucky Sinister

Bucky Sinister a recovered alcoholic and veteran of the punk rock and spoken word scene, brings the stories from the trenches about how to get sober, stay sober, and live sober.

Beyond the 12-step guide.   Still Standing  brings you the stories from the misfits, freaks, and weirdos that have come to recovery from a variety of backgrounds including tattoo artists, bartenders, musicians, and flight attendants to help answer the “What Now?” Question of living sober.   Using a mixture of poetic reflection, autobiography and philosophy, Bucky Sinister turns this beyond the 12-step guide into a manual that helps unpack the mind when it’s overly packed.

Stories heal.   Bucky Sinister knows all too well the power that words contain.   Sober since February 19th, 2002, he’s traveled near and far to bring tales from the trenches about the ups and downs to truly living sober.

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