Step 5 – Telling My Story


Part of Hazelden Classic Step Pamphlets Series
Revised Edition
Author: Edward C. Sellner

Revealing our true selves to someone can make Step 5 one of the most difficult, but rewarding and freeing to complete in AA’s 12 Step program! The author of this pamphlet helps make the step less frightening by offering a clear explanation of the purpose, intent, and benefits of taking a Fifth Step. He explains both our role and the role of the Fifth Step listener in the process.

“Self-revelation is the basis of the Fifth Step, and self-revelation is risky. This pamphlet is a guide that will help make the Fifth Step less frightening. But it is just a guide, as the author cautions: “There is one thing lacking in any guide to the Fifth Step that no theoretical description can provide: the courage to proceed with Step Five. For such courage, we can only make ourselves ready and pray for the power to carry it out”

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