Change Your Mind And Your Life Will Follow


12 Simple Principles
Author: Karen Casey

Change Your Mind and Your Life Will Follow  suggests that we have only two real choices in life.   The first is to fall into despair, become numb, and let fear have its way with us.   The second is to open our hearts to those around us, to heal ourselves and each other by changing how we respond in every interaction.

  • We cannot change a person.
  • We often cannot change a situation.
  • We can change how we react.
  • We can learn to act out of our own hearts rather than to react in hurt or anger.
  • We can remember we are not in control.
  • When we stop focusing on problems, solutions tend to appear.

 If we change how we respond to external stimuli, our mindset follows.  Learn how to change your mindset and, echoing Abraham Lincoln, “we are just about as happy as we make up our minds to be.”   Organized around twelve very simple steps, this book gives readers the tools to find a positive, peaceful response to every curveball life throws at us.

You will learn:

  • Happiness is a choice you can make
  • You can change your life for the better
  • How to follow a path chosen by very successful people
Organized around 12 very simple steps, this book gives readers the tools to find within them the positive, peaceful response to every curve ball life throws at them.    A finalist for the MS Society Books for a Better Life Award, Change Your Mind and Your Life Will Follow has sold nearly 70,000 copies in hardcover.

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