Emotional Fitness For Couples


10 Minutes A Day To A Better Relationship

Author: Barton Goldsmith, PH.D. 

A nationally recognized expert and radio personality offers a unique ten-minute-a-day program for helping couples “exercise and tone” their emotional skills, resolve problems, increase intimacy, have better sex, and cope honestly with anger and hurt.   Emotional Fitness For Couples  is a collection of simple tips that will energize you and hone your relationship skills to championship levels-in just ten minutes a day.

Peak athletic performance requires regular exercise, and a great relationship depends on regular emotional practice to stay in top form.   Don’t wait for a crisis to make you scramble to save your relationship.

Topics include:

  • what the word ‘love’ really means
  • how to start fires in your sex life
  • how to date your mate
  • tricks for stopping an argument before it starts
  • and many other fun and practical ideas for getting emotionally fit.

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