Kids’ Power – Healing Games For Children Of Alcoholics


Authors: Jerry Moe & Don Pohlman

Welcome to Kids’ Power.   There is hope today for young children of alcoholics.  They can and do overcome the smothering effects of an alcoholic home, and they don’t have to wait until adulthood to begin this recovery.  One of the most devastating illnesses known to mankind, chemical dependency progressively damages all aspects of the afflicted person: physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual.  But this only part of the story.  Alcoholism and drug addiction have a profound impact on every member of the family.

Using such themes as Feelings, Family, Defenses, Problem Solving and Self-Esteem (Celebration of Me), Kids’ Power  presents these very special games and activities, designed specifically for children form alcoholic and drug addicted families.  There is much hope for these youngsters today and play is a useful tool in the healing process.   All of these activities have been kid-tested with young (ages 6-12) children.  Some work well with even younger children.   Many are effective with adolescents.   Each game cites the appropriate age group, gives a description, and example, affirmations and materials required.   Most are noncompetitive, stressing cooperation, trust and teamwork in an atmosphere where everyone wins.

These Healing Games help kids to step back and look at situations with safety and provide the means to express things the wouldn’t feel safe expressing any other way.


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