A Woman’s Guide To Recovery


Author: Brenda Iliff

If you are a woman who has found the courage to start down the road of recovery, know that you are never alone.   Others have walked before you and have experienced recovery’s promises of radical change. This book, written by the executive director of Hazelden in Naples explains how you, too, can live a life “beyond your wildest dreams.”   Its pages are filled with expert advice, caring support, and personal stories of women who have found their way of the mess of addiction.

Here you’ll read about:

  • The basics of addiction, the principles of the Twelve Step program, and how to get started in recovery.
  • What self-care means-physically, socially, emotionally, and spiritually
  • Recognizing and working with feelings in a mature way
  • How recovery affects relationships, including those with your children
  • How the promises of recovery can transform your life, inside and out

Glimpse the freedom that accompanies recovery.   Learn how other women with similar struggles have built new, meaningful lives without alcohol or other mood-altering drugs.   Most important, grab the lifeline of hope offered in this book, the knowledge that recovery is possible.

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